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OSSE Releases Draft Education Standards for Public Schools

Tuesday, October 30, 2007
The public comment period will end on November 30th

(Washington, DC) The DC Office of the State Superintendent of Education released draft state academic standards for DC public schools. The subject areas for which draft standards have been released are: world languages, health and physical education. These newly developed state standards for grades pre-kindergarten through 12th grade specify what students are expected to know and be able to do; contain coherent and rigorous content; and encourage the teaching of advanced skills.

DC State Superintendent of Education Deborah A. Gist states, “The release of the world languages, health and physical education learning standards provides expectations regarding what our students should learn in these important areas. These standards help educators and parents guide learning to ensure that students are prepared for a healthy and successful life in the 21st century.”

The process for the development of the draft standards was similar to that used previously for English Language Arts, Math, Social Studies and Science. Focus groups were identified and a review of exemplary standards was conducted. Once a primary document was selected, based on rigor, grade specificity and clarity the content was organized into draft standards. Roundtables were held to review the draft standards and solicit feedback from teachers, administrators, charter schools, community members and parents.

DC State Board of Education President Robert Bobb says, “I am pleased with the process on the draft standards so far. The State Board of Education wants to be sure that we approve high quality standards and that members of the community understand the importance of the standards as we raise the bar on education. We encourage the public to offer input and advice on the standards before the final vote is taken.”

There will be a public hearing on the draft standards on November 28th; the public comment period will end on November 30th. Select the links below to view the new draft standards.

For more details on draft learning standards, or to submit comments, select the State Board of Education page link below: