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OSSE Kicks-Off 4th Annual DC Free Summer Meals Program

Monday, June 11, 2007
DC ranks #1 in the nation for feeding children and youth from free and reduced meal households during the summer

(Washington, DC) On Monday, June 18, Mayor Adrian Fenty and other representatives from DC Government, US Department of Agriculture, anti-hunger organizations, and parents with children will speak at a DC State Education Office event highlighting the free meals available during the summer for District young people.  1,559,834 meals were served to children and youth during 2006, a 24% increase over 2005.  DC ranks #1 in the nation for feeding children and youth from free and reduced meal households during the summer.

The DC Free Summer Meals Program serves youth age 18 and younger nutritional, good food, FREE of charge from June 18 through August 31, 2007. There are over 370 Free Summer Meals locations. Most sites are located at DC Park and Recreation centers, DC Public Schools, housing facilities, community and faith based organizations. Youth will raise the DC Free Summer Meals banner and participate in healthy eating activities. Meals will be served to youth after the event.

WHO: • Mayor Adrian M. Fenty
           • Councilmember Marion Barry
           • Deborah A. Gist, DC State Education Officer
           • Nancy Montanez-Johner, Under Secretary for Food, Nutrition, and  
                    Consumer Services, US Department of Agriculture
           • Alexandra Ashbrook, Director, DC Hunger Solutions
           • Anitra McKinney, student and soloist, Hardy MS
           • The USDA “Power Panther” mascot and McGruff
           • IDEA drumline
           • DC parents and youth

WHAT: The Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE) presents the annual “Come to the Table” Free Summer Meals event.

WHEN: Monday, June 18, 2007 at 11 am – 12:30 pm

WHERE: Fort Stanton Recreation Center
                1812 Erie Street, SE
                (202) 645-3970