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OSSE Announces Federal Charter School Program Grant

Thursday, April 17, 2008
The deadline to apply is May 16, 2008

(Washington, DC)  The Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE) Office of Public Charter School Financing and Support is administering the FY 2008 competitive grant to applicants seeking funding under the Charter Schools Program (CSP).  Developers submitting a charter petition in March 2008, to the District of Columbia Public Charter School Board are encouraged to apply.  The deadline to apply is May 16, 2008.

The purpose of the CSP is to increase national understanding of the public charter schools model by: 1) providing financial assistance for public charter school planning and implementation activities; 2) evaluating the effects of public charter schools on students, student achievement, staff, and parents; 3) expanding the number of high quality public charter schools available to students across the nation; and 4) encouraging the States to provide support to public charter schools for facilities financing in an amount more nearly commensurate to the amount the States typically provide for traditional public schools.

An eligible applicant is one who has applied to the authorized public chartering authority in March 2008, to operate as a public charter school, and has provided adequate and timely notice and a copy of the applicant’s grant application to the authorized public chartering authority that a Federal Charter Schools Program Planning and Implementation Grant application has been submitted to the Office of the State Superintendent of Education. 

Grant applicants must conform to the definition of a public charter school in the No Child Left Behind Act (P.L. 107-110, section 5210(1)) in order to be eligible for Charter Schools Program Grant Funds. 

Award Period
The grant awards will be for a period not to exceed thirty-six (36) months from date of award; provided the applicant successfully meets the performance objectives and any and all District and Federal laws and regulations.  
An eligible applicant shall not receive more than a combined total of $700,000 during the thirty-six month grant period. 

Contact Person: Zita Rostas, Management Analyst
Office of the State Superintendent of Education
441 4th Street, N.W., Suite 350N
Washington, DC  20001
Tel:   (202) 535-2651
Fax:  (202) 727-2019
[email protected]

Select the link below to view the Request for Applications (RFA), budget instructions, and a sample budget template: