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Office of the State Superintendent of Education

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Office of the State Superintendent of Education Announces Criteria for Free and Reduced Priced Meals

Monday, January 5, 2009
For institutions participating in the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) and for schools participating in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and the Special Milk Program (SMP)

Contact: Nicole Shaffer, (202) 368-3128

The District of Columbia Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE) announces the 2008-2009 criteria for determining the eligibility of children to receive free and reduced priced meals for institutions participating in the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) and for schools participating in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and the Special Milk Program (SMP). The criteria are listed below.

In accordance with federal law and US Department of Agriculture (USDA) policy, participating institutions and schools are prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. To file a complaint of discrimination based on these categories, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC, 20250-9410; or call toll free (866) 632-9992 (voice). TDD users can contact USDA through local relay or the Federal Relay at (800) 877-8339 or (866) 377-8642 (relay voice users).  USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. 

In addition, the District of Columbia Human Rights Act prohibits discrimination on the basis of martial status, personal appearance, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, family responsibilities, familial status, source of income, place of residence or business, genetic information, matriculation, or political affiliation.  To file a complaint alleging discrimination on any of these bases, please contact the Government of the District of Columbia's Office of Human Rights at (202) 727-3545.

For schools participating in the NSLP and SMP, a letter or notice and family application forms are distributed to the parents of all children in attendance at the school at the beginning of each school year.  The letter or notice shall contain the following information:

  • The eligibility criteria for either free or reduced priced meal benefits and for free milk benefits;
  • The way in which a household may complete an application for free or reduced price meals or for free milk for its children;
  • An explanation that an application for free or reduced price benefits cannot be approved unless it is completed in its entirety;
  • An explanation that households with children who are members of currently certified food stamp or TANF households may submit applications with abbreviated information;
  • An explanation that the information on the application may be verified at any time during the school year;
  • The way in which a household may apply for benefits at any time during the school year as circumstances change;
  • A statement that children having parents or guardians who become unemployed are eligible for free or reduced price meals or for free milk, provided that the income is within the eligibility criteria;
  • A statement that, in certain cases, foster children are eligible for free or reduced price meals or free milk regardless of the household income;
  • A statement that “In the operation of child feeding programs, no child will be discriminated against because of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability.  To file a complaint of discrimination based on these categories, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC, 20250-9410; or call toll free (866) 632-9992 (voice).  TDD users can contact USDA through local relay or the Federal Relay at (800) 877-8339 or (866) 377-8642 (relay voice users).  In addition, the District of Columbia Human Rights Act prohibits discrimination on the basis of martial status, personal appearance, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, family responsibilities, familial status, source of income, place of residence or business, genetic information, matriculation, or political affiliation.  To file a complaint alleging discrimination on any of these bases, please contact the Government of the District of Columbia's Office of Human Rights at (202) 727-3545;” and
  • The way in which a household may appeal the decision of the School Food Authority under the appeal procedures by making a request to the school official.
    For participating institutions under CACFP, a similar letter is distributed to parents/guardians and/or adults enrolled in CACFP informing them of the benefits of the program, the purpose of collecting income information, the definition of a household, and information on reporting receipt of food stamps, TANF, SSI, and Medicaid.  In addition, information is provided on how households may appeal decisions determined by the CACFP organizations.
  • The CACFP institutions and schools will receive free or reduced priced meal reimbursement based on the following income scales from July 1, 2008, to June 30, 2009:



     Family Size  Eligibility Scale for Free Meals  Family Size  Eligibility Scale for Reduced Priced Meals
     One  $0 to $13,520  One  $13,521 to $19,240
     Two  $0 to $18,200  Two  $18,291 to $25,900
     Three  $0 to $22,880  Three  $22,881 to $32,560
     Four  $0 to $27,560  Four  $27,561 to $39,220
     Five  $0 to $32,240  Five  $32,241 to $45,880
     Six  $0 to $36,290  Six  $36,291 to $52,540
     Seven  $0 to $41,600  Seven  $41,601 to $59,200
     Eight  $0 to $46,280  Eight  $46,281 to $65,860
    Each Additional Family Member  +$4,680 Each Additional Family Member  +$6,660


Complete listing of schools [PDF] participating in the 2008-2009 National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and Special Milk Program (SMP) 

Complete listing of participating institutions [PDF] in the 2008-2009 Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP)