The Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE) has been awarded funding a Grant Application [PDF] under Title I, Section 1003(g) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), also known as the School Improvement Fund. The OSSE is authorized to make the funds available through competitive grants to eligible local education agencies (LEAs) to assist schools identified in School Improvement Year 2 or beyond. School Improvement funds are to be used to leverage change and improve technical assistance activities toward measurable outcomes, as described in the attached School Improvement Fund Grant application document.
Depending upon the number of applicants, priority will be given to the LEAs with schools in the Corrective Action or Restructuring phases of improvement. Greatest need will be based on the largest number of sub-populations identified as having failed to make Adequately Yearly Progress (AYP) as a sub-population for three or more years.
Approximately $2 million is available for funding grant awards. A LEA that receives funding in the first year of the grant may apply for grant funds for two subsequent years after the initial award, based upon the availability of applicable funds and the determination that the school has met goals for improvement.
Please return an original and one copy of all documents to Ms. Victorie Thomas, Academic Improvement Specialist, 51 N Street, NE, 7th Floor, Washington, DC 20002. The deadline is 4 pm on December 31, 2008.