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Mayor Fenty Kicks Off College Awareness Week

Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Thousands of DC students, parents, colleges, private scholarship providers and education stakeholders join the Mayor in creating a college-going culture in Washington, DC

(Washington, DC) On Monday, September 24th, Mayor Adrian M. Fenty will kick off the 1st Annual College Awareness Week, an effort to motivate all DC students to graduate from high school college ready and have the chance to attend and graduate from college. The week is supported by the Double the Numbers coalition (DTN), a diverse group consisting of the Office of the State Superintendent of Education, the Consortium of Universities of the Washington Metropolitan Area, the DC Education Compact, DC public and charter schools, DC College Access Program (DC-CAP), the DC College Success Foundation, and other education stakeholders. 

DTN’s College Awareness Week is part of its ongoing efforts to bring together DC education systems, college access providers, colleges from across the country, and private scholarship providers to offer an integrated approach to double the numbers of DC high students who finish high school and complete college. Thousands of DC students, parents and education stakeholders will attend events planned throughout the week including the Mayor’s College Fair, which will b­e held September 27-28 at the Armory. Developing a college-going culture in the District grows in importance as our regional economy becomes increasingly knowledge-centered.    

WHO:  Mayor Adrian M. Fenty, the Honorable Eleanor Holmes Norton, and Deborah A. Gist, State Superintendent of Education, will deliver brief remarks, along with Roosevelt Senior High School students. Leaders from the public schools, charter schools, private schools, area colleges, and college access providers also will be on hand — all wearing their college gear. 

WHAT:  Roosevelt Senior High will host a College Awareness Week assembly immediately following the press conference, where Roosevelt seniors will premiere their film ("A Day in My Life at College") based on their interviews with alumni and other college students. Other activities throughout the week will be announced and include: school-based assemblies and activities at each public senior high school, “Wear your College Gear” throughout the week, the Mayors College Fair and a McDonald’s College Expo.                         

WHEN:  Monday, September 24, 2007, at 10 am

WHERE: Roosevelt Senior High School  Hospitality Suite 4301 13th Street, NW

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