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Office of the State Superintendent of Education

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LEA Look Forward for Oct. 22-28, 2021

Friday, October 22, 2021

View the LEA Look Forward for Oct. 22-28.

Reopening & Recovery
  • COVID-19 Health Supports for Charter Schools 
  • School Health and Safety Guidance Technical Assistance 
  • New Resources to Support COVID-19 Vaccination Requirement for Adults Regularly in Schools or Child Care Facilities and for Student-Athletes
  • Health and Safety Complaint Process Update (reminder)
Health & Wellness: Vaccination Updates
  • Take the Shot, DC Vaccine Giveaway Sites
  • COVID-19 Vaccine Exchange Program (reminder)
Important Announcements
  • Presidential Award (PAEMST) Nomination Celebration
  • Become an Ally Partner for DC Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness for the 2021-22 School Year (reminder)
  • Just Launched! SY2021-22 English Learner (EL) Qlik Application Initial EL Screening Sheet (reminder)
  • DC Special Ed Cooperative's Next Steps Career Exploration Conference 2021 (reminder)
Professional Development, Leadership Opportunities & Events
  • Homeless Education Program: MKV Monthly Dialogue Webinars
  • Youth Mental Health First Aid - Virtual Workshop (reminder)
  • WIDA’s Mathematical Meaning Making: Collaborating for Equity (reminder)
  • Upcoming Virtual Professional Learning for DC Educators
Grants & Funding
  • ESSER Federal Reporting
  • American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief – Homeless Children and Youth (ARP-Homeless I) Fund Application Now Available (reminder)
  • ESSER Equivalent Grants Webpage  (reminder)
Important Dates & Deadlines to Remember