Wednesday, August 24, 2016
View the LEA Look Forward for Aug. 24-30, 2016.
In this issue...
- 2016 PARCC Reporting Timeline (reminder)
- ESSA Engagement Update: Surveys and Upcoming Focus Groups (reminder)
- [Action required by LEAs] Adjusted Cohort Graduation Rate Verification (reminder)
- SLED Training
- Enhancing the Use of Inclusive Practices in Early Childhood Education
- The Nuts and Bolts of Secondary Transition
- NGSS FAQs for Schools and Families
- Math TA Needs Assessment
- LEA Focus Group: OSSE Risk-Based Monitoring (reminder)
- OSSE Requests Nominations for the Statewide Educator Talent Pool (reminder)
- ESSA Provisions Regarding Educational Stability for Students in Foster Care (reminder)
- OSSE Unified Data Errors (reminder)
- Dates to Remember