Contact: Beverley Wheeler, (202) 741-0884
The District of Columbia State Board of Education (DCSBOE) received testimony on the proposed Early Learning Standards on Thursday, November 20, 2008. Representatives from early learning centers, early learning educator training programs, and a host of experts in the field weighed in on the subject. The testimonials focused on current issues with service providers, educational opportunities for early learners in the District, and the changes in the national perception of early education.
Constituents who provided testimony stated that the District is a leader in this vitally important area. There was support for the breadth of standards to include children from birth through age five. Comments covered several areas of concern including resource allocation, implementation and training for service providers.
DCSBOE President Robert C. Bobb stated that “Early learning is an extremely important issue. The District needs government support; safety, health, educated parents, and the community as a whole to succeed in this arena. We cannot let this moment go by without getting full support of these standards; otherwise we will be having this conversation again next year.”
View Early Learning Standards [PDF] here.