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DC State Board of Education Congratulates 2009 Graduates

Thursday, June 18, 2009
Congratulations to all graduates of the District of Columbia

The DC State Board of Education (DCSBOE) wishes to congratulate all of the District of Columbia 2009 graduates. To this end we have attended many of the celebrations across the city. We have been there to witness and speak in support of this wonderful accomplishment. Our members have been at both public and public charter schools to share in this moment of happiness.  

This is a wonderful and exciting time in your lives. A time for reflection on all your successes and challenges. A time to look forward to the next step, be it a step into another level in your education or a move to career. This next step will be filled with new experiences and opportunities. Remember that there are always people who are there to help and support you. For now just relax and breathe and bask in the glow of a job well done.

This is a very exciting time in DC, the United States, and the world at large. We have seen one of the greatest changes to the financial markets worldwide with major losses followed by grand changes leading to future gains. The US has seen the election of the first multi-racial president, the first Hispanic nominated to the Supreme Court. The District, our home, is a leader in implementing cutting edge educational reform methods to support the many graduates following you.

We understand the incredible strength it takes to manage school, family, friends, and often a job all at the same time. You each deserve to be recognized for the time and effort dedicated to your education. Obtaining a high school diploma is an achievement unto itself in a time when barely two thirds of all students enrolled in high school graduate in four years. This may sound bleak but each of you has shown the ability to rise above, and ultimately overcome this reality. You should be commended and praised for your perseverance.

So on behalf of all of the members of the DC State Board of Education–


Congratulations in Vietnamese
Enkwan Des Alachu!

Congratulations in Chinese