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Office of the State Superintendent of Education

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DC State Board of Education ApprovedTwo Measures at July 15 Public Meeting

Friday, July 24, 2009
Approvals were to changes to the NCLB Report Card format, and added biology as a graduation requirement

Contact:  Beverley Wheeler, (202) 741-0884

The DC State Board of Education (DCSBOE) approved the changes to the NCLB Report Card format and to add Biology as a graduation requirement at a public meeting held July 15, 2009. The changes to the NCLB report card are to create a more accessible document for families, not to change any of the federal requirements. Adding biology as a graduation requirement allows for the US Department of Education to approve the District of Columbia’s system of standards and assessments. The State Board has received updates on the recommended changes to the existing NCLB Report Card and on adding biology as a graduation requirement from Office of the State Superintendent of Education.