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Office of the State Superintendent of Education

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Templates for LEA Data Submissions

The links and documents below will assist local education agencies (LEAs) in planning and executing the administration of this year’s Health and Physical Education Assessment (HPEA).

  1. High school health class roster template – The LEA Assessment Coordinator must coordinate with the LEA Data Manager to identify all high school students enrolled in a health class at any point during the 2022-23 school year and will therefore be taking the HPEA. The template can be accessed and uploaded through the Integrated Data Submission (IDS) tool beginning March 2, 2023 under “HPEA Roster” and must be submitted by Wednesday, March 15, 2023. The IDS User Guide can be accessed here.
  2. Planned student accommodations template – The LEA HPEA Point of Contact may use this template, if needed, or use an existing template that contains the same information, to submit its planned HPEA accommodations to OSSE. This is due by Friday, March 24, 2023 and must be submitted via Box.

Related Content: Health and Physical Education Assessment