Budget Narrative & Totals: Provide a full proposed budget to be funded from the School Improvement 1003(g) grant for the upcoming funded year(s) and delineate the cost as either LEA level or school site level. If needed, insert lines in order to provide all expenditures. ONLY complete "white/not highlighted" cells. In the column “Description" provide a description of the expenditures in the categories (Salaries & Benefits, Professional Services, Equipment, Supplies & Materials, and Other Objects) for the upcoming year(s) of funding. Summarize in detail how each item will raise the achievement of students in the schools receiving funds and why the item is necessary in implementing the selected SIG model. Please include cost assumptions and provide details that include quantity of items. Please ensure that the information provided aligns with the overall SIG Application and “Budget Total” tab in EGMS. Complete only the areas (cells) that are white/not highlighted.
Please be sure to complete the correct template based on your designation as a Cohort III OR Cohort IV school:
- Cohort III Schools: Ballou HS, Maya Angelou PCHS, Patterson ES
- Cohort IV Schools: Coolidge HS, Friendship BPE PCS, Woodson HS
Related Content: Title I, Part A: 1003(g) School Improvement Grants