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Public Charter School Reopening Grant Fiscal Year 2021 (FY21) Announcement of Final Allocations

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

The Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE) released a $10 million grant program for the District’s public charter schools to support and prioritize the return of students to classrooms. 

Based on the application submissions for the FY21 Public Charter School Reopening Grant, OSSE is now sharing final allocations. The total amount of funding for this grant is $10 million and is awarded to the District’s public charter schools to support and prioritize the return of students to classrooms.

As defined in the grant application, the funding formula is prioritized for public charter schools that are operating full-time programs. Based on the number of schools reopening full-time programs, the number of students participating in these full-time programs, and the funding priority for full-time programs, all $10 million will be awarded to schools reopening full-time programs. More than 80 schools plan to reopen as full-time programs, with more than 9,500 students attending. After awarding funds to all full-time programs according to the formula, there is no funding leftover for schools operating part-time in-person programs.

Each public charter LEA that applied for the grant and is reopening a full-time program is receiving a base award amount of $50,000 per school and a per-pupil amount of approximately $650 per student. The maximum amount that a public charter LEA can receive is $750,000.

For more information about this grant, please refer to the Notice of Application. If you have any questions, please send an email to [email protected].