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Office of the State Superintendent of Education

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Office of the State Superintendent of Education

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Local Wellness Policy Implementation

A Local Wellness Policy (LWP) is a written plan that functions as a framework for local education agencies (LEAs) to establish nutritional standards for school meals and to set guidelines and goals for physical and health education, physical activity, environmental sustainability and other school-based programs that promote student wellness. LEAs are encouraged to form a Local Wellness Committee that is inclusive of diverse representation from across the LEA and school community. A comprehensive LWP consists of both federal and District school health requirements.

By following its established goals and standards, the LEA or school creates a well-rounded school environment that promotes and elevates student health and wellness as a key component of school operations and student academic success.

Per US Department of Agriculture (USDA) regulations, LEAs participating in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and/or School Breakfast Program (SBP) are required to develop an LWP. The Healthy Schools Act (HSA) further establishes a requirement for District LEAs to develop and adopt an LWP in accordance with federal law and submit their LWP and supplemental information to the Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE) annually as part of the USDA NSLP and/or SBP application. LEAs must update and strengthen their LWPs every three years.

OSSE provides technical assistance, guidance and training to assist LEAs with the development, implementation and update of their policies to maintain compliance with USDA and HSA requirements. Schools may contact OSSE at with questions regarding the LWP.

OSSE Review Timeline

LWPs and any revisions are submitted to OSSE annually via the USDA NSLP application due in July. Further, OSSE collects the LWP, triennial assessment and supplemental information as part of the USDA NSLP administrative review process

  • Phase 1: OSSE reviews the submitted LWPs and LWP attestations and provides technical assistance to strengthen the LWP.
  • Phase 2: OSSE reviews the LWP, triennial assessments and supportive documentation for a third of local education agencies (LEAs) that are identified by OSSE to undergo USDA administrative review. OSSE identifies areas where an LEA needs to improve to comply with both federal and local Healthy Schools Act requirements.
  • Phase 3: OSSE supports LEAs that are revising LWPs to meet local and federal requirements, or who are completing their LWP annual or triennial assessments and revisions.

OSSE Resources

Click here for resources to assist LEAs and school leaders in the development, implementation and update of their LWP.

Click here for information and resources on establishing a Local Wellness Committee.


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