After grantees submit their final FY22 reimbursement requests by the Dec. 1, 2022 deadline, the next step in the application cycle will be to submit a closeout report in EGMS. A close out report must be approved before a grantee can apply for carryover funds. EGMS will not allow a grantee to submit a closeout report if it has any open reimbursement requests (including approved requests that have not yet been paid) for that grant. Please reference this closeout guide for directions on how to check for reimbursement request status and for screen-by-screen instructions on how to check to ensure all reimbursement requests are closed and submit a closeout report in EGMS.
If you have any questions about FY22 grants closeout, please contact [email protected].
FY22 EGMS Grants Closeout Guide
Wednesday, December 14, 2022