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Educational Surrogate Parent Program Referral Form

Monday, August 8, 2016

Reason for Referral

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act requires that an Educational Surrogate Parent be appointed to ensure the rights of a child with a disability, or a child suspected of having a disability, when: 1) no parent, as defined by IDEA, can be identified; (2) a public agency, after reasonable efforts, cannot locate a parent; 3) the child is a ward of the District; or 4) the child is an unaccompanied homeless youth as defined by the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act. All District agencies and contracted privates agencies must make a referral to the DC Office of the State Superintendent for the appointment of an Educational Surrogate Parent for any student who may meet this definition.

Submission of Referral

To complete this referral, please sign and provide this form and any attachments to the Educational Surrogate Parent Program by email at [email protected] (preferred). If you need to fax or mail the form, please call OSSE at (202) 727-6436 and ask for the current fax or mailing address for the Educational Surrogate Parent Program. OSSE must make reasonable efforts to ensure the assignment of an Educational Surrogate Parent not more than 30 days after a public agency determines that one should be appointed.

Related Content: Educational Surrogate Parent Program