The District of Columbia Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE) is soliciting grant applications to increase the number of academies within the DC Career Academy Network (DC CAN) pursuant to Postsecondary and Career Grant-Making Authority Amendment Act of 2017 (D.C. Act 22-0130, Section 4052) (enacted July 31, 2017). The DC CAN vision is to create one cohesive network of career academies within all high schools in the District of Columbia. Its mission is to reshape the District’s workforce by effectively preparing students for college and careers through the use of the NAF educational design. The purpose of this grant is to provide seed money to support the establishment of up to two additional academies within the DC CAN. This year the academy theme options are as follows: engineering, finance, health sciences, and information technology. Before enrolling students, the DC CAN academy must engage in a structured year of planning. The year of planning process involves activities, technical assistance, and supports to align resources and programs prior to implementation. This grant shall be supplemental to federal, local or other funds received by a school for career and technical education.
The application shall be open to all public and public charter high schools located in the District of Columbia that seek to establish a DC CAN academy within one of the four themes: engineering, finance, health sciences or information technology.
To be eligible, all schools must first be interviewed by NAF and receive a letter indicating that the school meets year-of-planning standards. Each LEA must then apply on a school’s behalf for the DC CAN fund.
The NAF application process for a determination of whether the school meets year of planning standards is as follows:
- School applicants will utilize the NAF Academy Application Center at (there you will: (1) register for a MyNAF account to log in; (2) select “Academy Applications”; and (3) select “Apply” and complete the online application)
- The full application includes an interest survey which must be completed by the school principal and must be accompanied by 3 – 5 letters of support from businesses, higher education, or individuals who are currently engaged in the industry theme.
- NAF staff will review each application and schedule a “Formal Qualified” interview.
- A final determination of whether the school meets year of planning standards will be made within 24 hours of the interview.
Available Funding for Award: The total available funding for this grant is approximately $360,000 through this RFA. If funding is available, OSSE will award continuation grant funds to support all academies that continue to meet the terms and conditions of the grant. Continuation grant funds may be used to support the staffing positions that were agreed upon under initial award. After two years of funding, any additional continuation funds may only be used to support academy activities. Each LEA, however, must sustain the existing OSSE-sponsored position in the third year and onward as a condition of any continued DC CAN funding.
Award Period: The duration of this grant is for a period from Oct. 1, 2018 through Sept. 30, 2019.
A review panel or panels will be convened to review, score, and rank each application for a competitive grant. The review panel(s) will be composed of external, neutral, qualified, professional individuals selected for their expertise, knowledge or related experiences. Each application will be scored against a rubric and applications will have multiple reviewers to ensure accurate scoring. Upon completion of its review, the panel(s) shall make recommendations for awards based on the scoring rubric(s). OSSE will make all final award decisions.
Please note that all interested applicants must submit a letter of intent to apply no later than Friday, June 22 at 12 p.m. at [email protected] and must participate in a Pre-Application Conference. The RFA and all supporting documents will be available on Monday, June 18 at 12 p.m. at
To receive more information or for a copy of this RFA, please contact:
Simone García, Director Career and Education Development
Postsecondary & Career Education
Office of the State Superintendent of Education
1050 First St. NE, Fifth Floor
Washington, DC 20002
Phone: (202) 727-4312
Email: [email protected]
Related Content: DC Career Academy Network (DC CAN)