The Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE) Division of Early Learning (DEL) curriculum approval process determines whether curricula are aligned to the DC Early Learning Standards (DC ELS). A list of approved curricula for child development facilities to reference is published on the OSSE website. Curriculum applications that are not approved will receive a denial notification. Applicants may reapply the following year. DEL reviews and updates the DC ELS every five years. Previously approved curricula must submit an alignment document to continue to establish full alignment with the updated DC ELS.
Curriculum publishers, child development providers and professionals in the early care and education field are eligible to submit curricula for the curriculum approval process. To be able to complete the initial approval application, you must first register for a QuickBase account. Once successfully registered and verified, you will receive an email with instructions on how to set up a QuickBase account and how to access the application.
The application period begins on Friday, March 1, 2024 and continues through Tuesday, April 30, 2024.
Please note the following timeline for fiscal year 2024:
- March 1-April 30: Application period
- May 1-15: Curriculum review period
- May 16: Notifications are released
- May 16-31: Contest denial period
- June 3: Approved curricula are posted on the OSSE website
- June 1-14: Contest curriculum review period
- June 14: Notifications for contest denial are released
- July 1: Approved curricula are posted on the OSSE website
If you are already registered or already have a QuickBase account, please sign in to start the application.
Note: Approval by OSSE does not indicate that a curriculum meets all other federal or other local/grant program requirements to which a program may be subject. Individual programs should refer back to their programmatic list of approved curricula.
For questions or concerns, please contact Jamellah Owens at [email protected].
- 2019 District of Columbia Early Learning Standards
- Curriculum Approval Process User Guide (Updated: December 2023)
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