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2019 STAR Brief and Appendices

Updated: Dec. 18, 2019

The DC School Transparency and Reporting (STAR) Framework aims to provide transparency into school quality and student success. OSSE’s goal in creating this system was to design a system that would accurately measure school-based outcomes across the city and provide a distribution that reflected meaningful differentiation. It was important that the system be designed in a way that performance on a single metric or from a single student group would not be the sole determinant of a school’s accountability rating. Utilizing the flexibilities provided to DC under the federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), OSSE designed a system using metrics which provide schools multiple pathways to demonstrate their performance and success. This brief explores outcomes related to these goals and provides transparency into the STAR scores and ratings earned by schools in the second publication of the STAR Framework. Specifically, this brief will share citywide trends for STAR ratings, student group performance (e.g., students who are at-risk, students with disabilities, English learners, race/ethnicity groups), and the impact of growth metrics on the overall STAR rating.

Read the 2019 STAR Framework Brief

For additional data displays and analysis, explore the Appendices to the 2019 STAR Framework Brief.