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2019-20 School Year DC Schools Eligible for Community Eligibility Provision

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Below find the list of local education agencies (LEAs) and school sites in the District of Columbia that are eligible or near eligible to participate in the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) under the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and School Breakfast Program (SBP). Eligible schools have an identified student (direct certified, homeless, or foster care) population of 40 percent or more according to data reported in the District of Columbia’s Direct Certification System report, or by the State Agency Homeless Coordinator and/or the Department of Child and Family Services, as of April 1 of each year.

For more information or questions, contact:
Elizabeth Leach, School Programs Manager
Division of Health and Wellness
1050 First St. NE - Sixth Floor
Washington, DC 20002
Phone: (202) 531-2680
Email: [email protected]

Related Content: National School Lunch Program