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Program Quality Evaluation and Assessment (CLASS Pre-K)

Program Quality Evaluation and Assessment

Classroom Assessment Scoring System
The Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE), in partnership with DC Public Schools (DCPS), public charter schools and Community-Based Organizations (CBO), is implementing the Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS), a district-wide classroom evaluation tool. The purpose of this educational tool is to assess the quality experience of children in their learning environment through observing and reporting quantitative data to provide useful input for strengthening the early childhood education system.

CLASS is a research-based observational tool that provides a common lens, metric and language to identify and describe the classroom interactions that promote children’s development and learning. The CLASS Pre-K® tool is used for students three to five years of age in pre-K (CLASS Pre-K®). CLASS Pre-K® has three domains and 10 dimensions to assess classroom quality emotional support, classroom organization, and instructional support. Each of the nine dimensions are rated on a seven point scale ranging from one or two (classroom is low on that dimension) to six or seven (classroom is high on that dimension). The CLASS Pre-K® domains and dimensions are as follows:

CLASS Pre-K® Domains and Dimensions:

  • Emotional Support
  • Positive
  • Negative Climate
  • Teacher Sensitivity
  • Regard for Student Perspectives
  • Classroom Organization
  • Behavior Management
  • Productivity
  • Instructional Learning Formats
  • Instructional Support
  • Concept Development
  • Quality of Feedback
  • Language Modeling

2024-25 School Year Class Pre-K Evaluation Protocols

2023-24 School Year Class Pre-K Evaluation Protocols

2022-23 School Year Class Pre-K Evaluation Protocols

2021-22 School Year Class Pre-K Evaluation Protocols

2020-21 School Year CLASS Pre-K Evaluation Protocols

2019-20 School Year CLASS Pre-K Evaluation Protocols

2018-19 School Year CLASS Pre-K Evaluation Protocols

2018-19 School Year CLASS Pre-K Evaluation Frequently Asked Questions

CLASS Pre-K® Resources