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Office of the State Superintendent of Education

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What’s Next Campaign

The majority of jobs in DC will require some form of postsecondary education by 2020. With that in mind, we want to ask District residents, “What’s Next?” as they approach college or a new career in order to help them prepare for a successful transition.

Starting this conversation early allows us to encourage students and residents to explore and plan for postsecondary education and career training, and ensures they have time to make good decisions and access helpful resources. Fortunately, there are a wide variety of postsecondary and career training options and financial resources in DC for residents interested in taking their next step.

Identifying and accessing these resources may seem overwhelming, so OSSE has teamed up with community experts to help District residents navigate the transition into postsecondary education and career training through the “What’s Next?” toolkit.  

The “What’s Next?” Toolkit

The “What’s Next?” toolkit provides a one-stop resource with strategies to support postsecondary and career transition for District residents. The toolkit will feature information about programs in the District that help prepare residents for a degree, a career, professional licensure, or certification in an in-demand career field; and tangible tips and action items to prepare for postsecondary education and employment. Residents can use the toolkit to:

  • Learn about in-demand careers in the District, and the programs that offer training for those careers.
  • Discover postsecondary options in the District and nationwide.
  • Hear directly from program instructors about available opportunities.
  • Explore scholarship and financial aid options.
  • Start planning their education to secure employment.

Target Audiences

  • High school students transitioning to postsecondary education.
  • Adults with a general secondary credential.
  • GED/NEDP students and graduates.
  • Adult learners (adult education and workforce development program students).


  • DC ReEngagement Center (The REC)
  • Department of Employment Services (DOES)
  • Educational Opportunity Center (EOC)
  • OSSE's GED Program Office (GEDPO)
  • OSSE's office of Adult and Family Education (AFE)
  • So Others Might Eat (SOME)
  • University of the District of Columbia Community College Workforce Development Lifelong Learning (UDC-CC WDLL)

For more information about the “What’s Next?” toolkit, please contact Christina Beal at [email protected].