Welcome to the EGMS Training Videos page. Here you will find a number of brief, helpful instruction videos to contribute to successful EGMS use. Check back with us often as content is uploaded regularly.
Intro to Central Data: The Central Data Collection is a feature in EGMS designed to capture information that applies across multiple funding applications for an organization throughout the fiscal year.
Formula Grant Training Video for LEAs: This video demonstrates the features and automation of the formula grant processes, specifically allocations, to Local Education Agencies (LEAs).
Competitive Grant Training Video for LEAs: This video demonstrates the features and automation of the competitive grant processes, specifically how the application will be reviewed, to Local Education Agencies (LEAs).
Competitive Grant Training Video for CBOs: This video demonstrates the features and automation of the competitive grant processes, specifically how the application will be reviewed, to Community-Based Organizations (CBOs).
Reader Training: Competitive Grants: This video is directed toward individuals reading applications for competitive grants in EGMS.
Closing Out Projects in EGMS: This video demonstrates the features and processes to Closeout a grant that allows carryover.