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Enrollment Audit Handbook

Thursday, September 19, 2013

The annual student enrollment audit is required by law under District of Columbia Official Code § 38-1804.02. to determine and develop public education funding and policies. The audit takes place in the fall of each school year and consists of a physical head count of each student enrolled in (a.) District of Columbia Public Schools (DCPS), (b.) Public Charter Schools (PCS), (c.) DCPS or PCS schools but attending private special education schools or programs (“Non-Publics”)1, and (d.) DC foster care students attending schools in surrounding counties. The audit also reviews student records to determine enrollment and residency status as of October 7 of the given school year. For the purpose of this handbook, enrollment is defined as the process by which a student obtains admission to a public school whereby they can attend classes and participate fully in school activities. Upon completion of the audit, each charter local education agency (LEA) receives funding for every student officially enrolled at its school(s), along with any funding allowed for additional related services under the District of Columbia Uniform Per Student Funding Formula (UPSFF). DCPS receives funding based on projected enrollment according to historic audit counts.