Thursday, May 17, 2018
The classification of test security violation findings are grouped in the following manner.
No Findings
- No evidence of test security violations, wrongdoing, or error.
- Minor misadministration errors (e.g., incomplete or missing test documents; inconsistencies in the application of administration procedures).
- Moderate misadministration errors (e.g., misinterpretation of requirements in the Test Coordinator/Administrator Manuals not related to test tampering or academic fraud; failure to report certain types of incidents; failure to distribute, collect, or refusal to sign Non-Disclosure Statements).
- Substantiated isolated test security violations; test tampering or academic fraud (e.g., educator coaching; providing students with answers; allowing student use of calculators or other technology where prohibited)
- Substantiated systemic test security violations; school- or LEA-led test tampering or academic fraud (e.g., school- or LEA-level coordination of educator coaching or test tampering; school-wide test fraud)
After an initial review, if it believes further investigation is warranted, OSSE will contact the LEA to share the information it has collected and discuss the plan and timeline for further investigation.
Related Content: DC Statewide Test Integrity Investigations