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Access To Quality Child Care for Children With Disabilities

The Access to Quality Child Care for Children with Disabilities grant program expands the supply of quality, accessible and affordable child care for infants, toddlers and school-age children with disabilities. The grant program provides funding to four grantees to create and operate child care slots designed and equipped to meet the needs of infants and toddlers with disabilities. Families that enroll in slots funded by the grant receive services at no cost.

The Access to Quality Child Care for Children with Disabilities grant was awarded through a competitive process to:

  • CentroNía Inc.
  • Easter Seals Serving DC-MD-VA, Inc.
  • Educare of Washington DC
  • National Children's Center, Inc.

These grantees receive funding from the Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE) to enroll eligible children in slots funded by the Access to Quality Child Care for Children with Disabilities grant. Grantees must accept children with disabilities in grant-funded slots upon referral from OSSE, DC Child Care Connections or other District agencies, provided a slot in the program is available.

Children eligible to enroll in a slot funded by the Access to Quality Child Care for Children grant must be a DC resident up to 3 years of age, and not yet eligible for DC pre-K (child must turn 3 after Sept. 30, 2024). The child must have a qualifying disability, as evidenced by an active Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) or diagnosis of a medical condition by a certified/licensed therapist or health practitioner.

How Families Enroll
Families interested in receiving services through the Access to Quality Child Care for Children with Disabilities grant should contact the grantee where they want to enroll. Contact information for each grantee is below.

OSSE Contact
For questions related to the Access to Quality Child Care for Children with Disabilities grant, contact:

Jayna Jamgotchian
Policy Analyst
Division of Early Learning (DEL), OSSE
Phone: (202) 316-8726
Email: [email protected]