Scholarships for Opportunity and Results (SOAR) Act Third Party grants are available through a competitive process. Eligible applicants include nonprofit organizations with a demonstrated history of success working with DC public charter schools. SOAR Act Third Party projects are designed to: 1) have a direct and rapid (within two years) impact on the academic achievement and outcomes for public charter school students; or 2) designed to impact student outcomes at multiple public charter local education agencies (LEAs) indirectly by enhancing the organizational capacity of charter LEAs to operate as fiscally and operationally sound nonprofit organizations and schools.
FY22 SOAR Act Third Party Awardees | Award Amount |
Dance Makers | $376,255 |
DC Public Charter School Cooperative | $376,256 |
EmpowerK12 | $376,256 |
One World Education | $188,127 |
Springboard Collaborative | $306,850 |
Teach For America | $376,256 |
Project Descriptions
Dance Makers
Dance Makers will partner with two public charter LEAs to implement their evidence-based science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics (STEAM) program, Students Motivated through the Arts (SMARTS), to meet each school's comprehensive academic needs during the out-of-school time hours.
DC Public Charter School Cooperative
DC Public Charter School Cooperative will partner with two public charter LEAs to build the capacity of instructional coaches and special education teachers to create classrooms that are highly effective and inclusive environments, ensuring that more students with disabilities achieve at levels commensurate with nondisabled peers.
EmpowerK12 will partner with two public charter LEAs to provide direct coaching for principals and teachers to drive rapid academic and social-emotional gains, particularly for students with disabilities. The program will execute tailored plans to support the LEAs’ continuous improvement.
One World Education
One World Education will partner with 10 public charter LEAs to implement their One World Program. The program will improve students' research and writing skills to ensure they are prepared for transitions to high school, college and employment.
Springboard Collaborative
Springboard Collaborative will partner with three public charter LEAs to provide literacy programming for students in pre-K through Grade 3. Springboard Collaborative's five-to-10-week literacy accelerators drive rapid student reading growth by combining literacy instruction and family engagement.
Teach For America
Teach For America (TFA) will partner with three public charter LEAs to provide a pipeline of teachers. Their project will also implement professional, instructional and special education-specific professional learning for teachers to improve student outcomes and scale TFA alumni support through educator matching and operationalizing a professional learning community.