View the LEA Look Forward for Oct. 16-22, 2020.
Important Announcements
- School Health and Safety Reopening Guidance Technical Assistance
- Health and Safety Guidance Reminders
- 2020-21 School Year Attendance Regulations, Updated Guidance, and FAQs
- OSSE Seeks Literacy Experts for State Literacy Plan Working Group (reminder)
- October is Growing Healthy Schools Month (reminder)
- Special Education Transportation Reminders in Preparation for Return to Service (reminder)
- Important Immunization Reminder and Requirements for In-Person Learning (reminder)
Professional Development, Leadership Opportunities & Events
- Upcoming Virtual PD Sessions for DC Educators
- New Series! Foundations of Online Instructional Coaching
- WIDA eSummit for ALL Teachers of English Learners (reminder)
- REAL Family Engagement: High-Quality Academic Partnering Meetings (reminder)
- OSSE Annual School-Based Medicaid Reimbursement Webinar (reminder)
Important Dates & Deadlines to Remember