Wednesday, June 5, 2019
View the LEA Look Forward for June 5-11, 2019.
In this issue...
2019-20 Start of School Campaign
- Communication to Families of Students with Disabilities Missing Transportation Forms (reminder)
- Data Manager Orientation (reminder)
- Transportation Online Tool for Education (TOTE) Training (reminder)
- Register Now! 2019 Start of School Summit (reminder)
- LEA Data Mapping (LDM) Tool (reminder)
- Create 2019-20 School Year Calendars in eSchoolPLUS (reminder)
- What's Coming Up
- Grant Management Training Series Survey
- Adjusted Cohort Graduation Rate: Upcoming Deadlines
- Growing a Community of Excellent Educators: Talent as a Lever of Equity
- Action Required by June 30: Submit ESEA and IDEA Funding Applications in EGMS – FY20 Phase I Assurances
- FY20 McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (MKV) Grant Program Competition
- Proposed 2019-20 School Year Testing Windows
- DC Public Library Summer Challenge Kickoff Event at Martha’s Table
- 2019-20 OSSE Teacher Leadership Cohorts: Applications Now Open for K-12 Science and Secondary ELA
- New Advanced Placement Working Group
- Blog Post: How Can Charter Schools Best Share Lessons Learned Across Sectors?
Professional Development Opportunities
- Essential Understandings for Learning and Teaching about American Indians: Creating a Culturally Responsive Classroom
- Restorative Schools Overview
- Response to Intervention Foundations
- Webinar: Understanding and Implementing Section 504
- Summer Boot Camp for New Dual Language Teachers
- Spanish Literacy for Bilingual Language Teachers
- Culturally Responsive Literacy Instruction: A Framework to Increase Engagement and Student Achievement (reminder)
- Best Practices in Family Engagement, Pre-K through Grade 3 (reminder)
- Starting with the Root: Strategies and Tools to Design Behavioral Interventions (reminder)
- Leadership Workshop: No-Nonsense Nurturer Approach to Schoolwide Discipline Policies (reminder)
- The No-Nonsense Nurturer Workshop for Classroom Teachers: Improving Classroom Management and Restorative Practices (reminder)