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2018 STAR Analysis Exploring Distributions and Correlations

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

In the development of the School Transparency and Reporting (STAR) Framework, our goal was to design a system that would accurately measure the performance of schools across the city and provide a distribution that reflected meaningful differentiation. It was important that the system be designed in a way that performance on a single metric or from a single student group would not be the sole determinant of a school’s accountability rating. Utilizing the flexibilities provided to DC under the federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), we designed a system using metrics which provide schools multiple pathways to demonstrate their performance and success.  
The Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE) published the STAR Framework Brief and appendices to explore outcomes related to the goals outlined above and to provide transparency into the STAR scores and ratings earned by schools in the initial run of the STAR Framework. The STAR Analysis: Exploring Distributions and Correlations report provides additional views and analyses of distributions and correlations including a review of distributions and correlations between frameworks, student group performance, sectors, and metrics. This series of analyses serves as a deep dive accompaniment to schools’ performance on the STAR Framework as reported through the DC School Report Card and the associated public data files, including the STAR Framework Brief. These analyses do not provide details or information about specific school performance but do provide an overview of the STAR ratings, scores, and metrics and examine the interrelationships between the STAR ratings, metrics and schools’ student group composition across the city. Some of the data displays have been included in previous publications, but this report provides additional information and analysis.

Related Content: 2018-19 DC School Report Card and STAR Framework Data