Please view the LEA Look Forward for Oct. 31-Nov. 6, 2018.
In this issue...
- Message to LEAs about PARCC from Superintendent Kang
- Represent Your College on Fridays in November for DC College Application and Exploration Month
- Every Day Counts! Attendance Community of Practice Meeting
- DC Science Assessment Content Review Opportunities
- DC Science Bias and Sensitivity Review Opportunity
- 31st Annual National Association for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth (NAEHCY) Conference
- Notice to LEAs on ESSA Foster Care POC Information Update
- Understanding the Uniform Guidance and Best Practices in Submitting Approvable Reimbursements
- OSSE Recruitment for the 2019 State Title III Advisory Committee
- OSSE Adopts the Dynamic Learning Maps Science Alternate Assessment
- Correction: DC School Report Card and STAR Framework Metric Calculation Confirmation Deadline
Please note that the correct deadline for Heads of School to certify Phase II MCC data is 5 p.m. this afternoon, Nov. 1.
In preparation for the public release of the new DC School Report Card in December, OSSE gave LEAs the opportunity to review and update the calculated value for each metric that will be publicly posted. This two-phase process, called Metric Calculation Confirmation, began on Sept. 10 and is ending today, Nov. 1. Heads of School must certify all of their Phase II data by 5 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 1. Please note that due to tight deadlines to produce the DC School Report Card as scheduled, OSSE will be unable to grant any extensions.
For questions, please contact Donna Johnson, director of accountability, at (202) 316-4612 or [email protected] or Darrell Ashton, assistant superintendent of Data, Assessment, and Research, at (202) 531-6879 or [email protected].
- Help Us Improve the OSSE Website
- OSSE Grants Reminder: Reimbursement Requests are Due by Nov. 15 in EGMS
- LEA Justification for Exceeding 1 Percent Cap on Alternate Assessments
- National Gallery of Art: Educational Programs, Resources, and School Tours
- DC Science Assessment Design and Blueprints
Professional Development Opportunities
- Special Topics in English Learner Programming Monthly Webinar: An Overview of the School Readiness Reflection Tool
- The Nuts and Bolts of Secondary Transition
- Response to Intervention: Foundations
- Developing High-Quality Transition Plans for Middle School Learners
- Developing an Effective Response to Intervention System (reminder)
- Academic/Content Circle Keeping (Restorative Practices Workshop) (reminder)