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Explore the DC Model Teacher Evaluation Framework

The DC Model Teacher Evaluation Framework serves as the foundation for effective teacher evaluation processes; including observation, feedback, and coaching.

The framework has 26 domains divided into 4 categories: learning environment, delivery of instruction, planning and preparation and professional foundations. Each category contains 74 individual indicators that describe effective teaching in each domain.

In addition to the framework, the DC Model Teacher Evaluation System also includes guidance and resources related to student learning objectives.

Unpack Our Rubric to Analyze Practice

The DC Model Teacher Evaluation System Rubric describes teaching practice. It can be used as a helpful tool to:

  • Develop shared understanding of what teacher performance looks like in practice
  • Provide a common structure to organize evidence
  • Inform professional judgment

The model teacher evaluation rubric provides definitions of effectiveness for each indicator of the framework. Effectiveness definitions include:

Highly Effective: Evidence of exceptional performance; outstanding knowledge, implementation, and integration of teaching standards along with evidence of leadership initiative and willingness to model and/or serve as a mentor for colleagues as measured by both exemplary teacher and student actions.

Effective: Evidence of solid performance; strong knowledge, implementation, and integration of teaching standards; clear evidence of proficiency and skill in the component/criterion as measured by satisfactory student actions and results.

Minimally Effective: Evidence of mediocre or developing performance; fundamental knowledge and implementation of teaching standards is uneven or rudimentary. Integration of teaching standards is inconsistent. Teacher is making progress towards proficiency with mixed student actions and results.

Ineffective: Little or no knowledge and minimal implementation of teaching standards. Does not meet minimal teaching standards and needs substantial improvement. Students are not meeting either behavioral or academic expectations.

Explore the rubric to find a growing library of exemplar resources about effective teaching practice organized by category.