Thursday, May 25, 2017
Name | Membership Category |
Deon Woods-Bell | Parent, Chair |
Aaron McCormick | Parent, Deputy Chair |
An Almquist | Parent |
Latoria Brent | Parent |
Tami Brown | Parent |
Julie Camerata | Parent; Vocational, community or business, organization in DC concerned with the provision of transition services to children with disabilities |
Issacba Davies | DC Juvenile and Adult Corrections Agencies |
Tracy Dove | Parent |
Vivian Guerra | Parent |
Jennifer Halper | Vocational, community or business, organization in DC concerned with the provision of transition services to children with disabilities |
Katie Holloran | Parent |
Rochanda Hiligh-Thomas | Parent |
Nicole Lee-Mwandha | DC education officials; including officials of the McKinney Vento Homeless Education program |
Matt McCall | Parent |
Luis Morales | Parent; Vocational, community or business, organization in DC concerned with the provision of transition services to children with disabilities |
Andrew Reese | Administrators of programs for children with disabilities |
Kenneth Taylor | Vocational, community or business, organization in DC concerned with the provision of transition services to children with disabilities |
Clifford Waddy | Parent |
Molly Whalen | Parent |
Amy Williamson-Barrios | Higher education that prepares special education and related services personnel |
Related Content: State Advisory Panel (SAP) on Special Education for the District of Columbia