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Office of the State Superintendent of Education

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FY17 Budget

A Budget Reflecting Our Commitment to Equity for DC Students

At OSSE, we serve a unique role in sustaining, accelerating, and deepening the progress being made in DC education. Our budget for FY17 is reflective of the important work that we do each day to ensure that all District residents, from cradle to career, have access to a high quality education.

The approved FY17 budget contains Local funding of $146.2 million for OSSE main and $94.3 million for Special Education Transportation, as well as $74.4 million for non-public tuition and $723.7 million for public charter school payments.

This budget prioritizes sustaining the funding that directly supports local education agencies (LEAs), community-based organizations (CBOs), and providers. Aligned with OSSE’s strategic plan, the budget also includes additional enhancements in the operating budget to support:

  • Data systems development funding and positions to further facilitate our role in providing high-quality, actionable data to our partners; and
  • Early learning to promote equity by providing additional resources to expand access to high-quality child care and sustaining Strong Start infant and toddler services.

The budget also includes District Capital Funds for important multi-year projects:

  • To further support building of a strong data systems infrastructure; and
  • In Special Education Transportation to upgrade the vehicle fleet and support facility development for our terminals.

View OSSE’s FY17 Budget

A Transition to More Intuitive and Transparent Financial Reporting

To better align our budget structure to the agency’s current organizational structure, OSSE restructured its budget for FY17.  This restructuring will allow for more intuitive and transparent financial reporting, and less administratively burdensome internal operations.

Key changes include:

  • OSSE’s incorporation of the Division of Specialized Education within the Division of Elementary and Secondary Education to create one blended K-12 team called the Division of Elementary, Secondary, and Specialized Education (ESSE) is reflected in a new Activity Code, E600.
  • OSSE shifted the Office of Human Resources from the Office of the Chief Operating Officer Activity (formerly D300) to the Front Office Activity (now E100)
  • OSSE shifted some work streams from Program level to Activity level: General Counsel (now Activity E900) and Data, Assessment, and Research (now Activity E200). 
  • OSSE created new Programs in the budget within the Division of Postsecondary and Career Education (now Activity E700) to better and more transparently track resource allocation.

Download the 2017 Budget Crosswalk