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2015 Gilda Allen Best School Garden Award

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Winner: Elizabeth Godec, Tyler Elementary School

The Tyler garden is unique and special because it has so many kids and adults who love it. The person who loves it most is Ibti Vincent, and her friends with FoodPrints.

Ibti is the leader of the Tyler garden because she is always making sure it is watered, and well cared for so the plants are heathy and strong. I know lots of kids love the garden too. I’ve seen lots of kids going to the garden to eat mint during their recess time, and sometimes they end up staying in the garden for the rest of their recess.

It may surprise you, but I love pesto. Most kids think they don’t like pesto. My class got to make pesto with basil we grew in the garden. I was happy because it was my first time making pesto even though my mom makes it all the time. I was happy I got a chance to make it on my own.

There was another fun time when our school was selling milkweed plants, and other plants. While the sale was going on, my friends and I got to help put ladybugs in the garden so ladybugs can help take care of our garden.

A garden doesn’t just happen on its own. It takes people to make a garden, and a lot of people have helped make the Tyler garden special.

Winner: Delilah Kitburi, Barnard Elementary School

In Kid Power at Barnard we take care of the garden by watering it and by keeping bad bugs away so that they don’t eat the plants. We get to take care of the garden because in Kid Power there is something called VeggieTime. We get food from the garden and get to cook it! My favorite kind of food that we grow in the garden is tomato!