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21st CCLC Preapplication Webinar: July 6, 2023

During 21st CCLC preapplication webinars hosted on July 6 and 13, 2023, OSSE staff responded to questions about application priority four-- additional funding available through the federal Bipartisan Safer Communities Act. OSSE conducted additional research and, as a result, updated and republished the FY24 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) Grant Competition Questions and Answers document on Aug. 9 to clarify that federal Bipartisan Safer Communities Act funds may only be used for programs that serve middle and high school students. This update is consistent with the original Request for Applications. Applicants that only serve elementary school students may not select this fourth competitive priority.

For questions or additional information, contact Dr. Kelly Rudd Safran at [email protected].