In the 2023-24 school year, the Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE) has rolled out the collection of the school- and course-level data via Integrated Data Submission (IDS). OSSE collected 16,487 courses from all LEAs in the District, created a 12-digit OSSE Course Identifier for each course and fulfilled the requirements from DC code § 38-2609(f)(1)(A) to establish a course coding system and a statewide course catalog. Beginning in the 2024-25 school year, OSSE will launch the next phase of the course data collection process, to include section- and student-level course information via Automated Data Transfer (ADT). OSSE will provide training and technical assistance to all LEAs to ensure they meet the reporting requirements accurately and on time.
The next phase is vital in creating a teacher-student data link, which means connecting the courses to who is teaching them and who is taking them. This data link will enable OSSE to better perform its core compliance and monitoring functions, better design impactful and relevant professional developing offerings, and streamline data collection processes. Here are some key examples of how this data will be used in OSSE’s work.
- Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) Compliance: Section 2001 of ESEA specifies that Title II is designed, among other things, to provide students with greater access to effective educators. Additionally, ESEA section 1111(g)(1)(B) requires OSSE’s state plan to describe “how low-income and minority children enrolled in schools assisted under this part are not served at disproportionate rates by ineffective, out-of-field, or inexperienced teachers.” Course data will expand OSSE’s understanding of the extent to which students in DC have equitable access to effective, in-field, and experienced teachers, consistent with the requirements of the ESEA.
- Science of Reading Compliance: Section 107 of the Addressing Dyslexia and Other Reading Difficulties Amendment Act of 2020 (DC Law 23-191) requires that “each LEA shall adopt a science-based reading program” beginning in the 2024-25 school year. OSSE is leveraging the course data collection to determine the extent to which LEAs have adopted a science-based reading program.
- Assessment Administration: Student-level course data will help OSSE support LEAs in getting students, particularly high school students, registered for the assessment that aligns with their courses. A good example is the DC Science assessment for high school biology, which students should take while they are learning biology. Most LEAs will benefit from automatic registration for students based on the course data they report to OSSE.
- Dual Enrollment and Other Special Program Reporting: Participation in Dual Enrollment and other special programs has been mostly self-reported at the student level by LEAs. Course-level data will allow OSSE to more completely report on these programs on the DC School Report Card and other reporting.
- OSSE Strategic Plan: OSSE strives to collect actionable course data to ensure all students have access to a high-quality education, as outlined in the OSSE Strategic Plan 2023-25 priorities. As a state education agency, OSSE takes seriously our responsibility to support all learners in DC, especially those furthest from opportunity, by ensuring that they have equal access to excellent educators, as well as appropriate and high-quality coursework and learning environments.
2024-25 School Year
- OSSE State Course Catalog V3
- 2024-25 School Year LEA Course Data Collection Policy Guide
- 2024-25 School Year Course Catalog Collection Template
- 2024-25 School Year Student and Section Course Data Collection Template
- 2024-25 School Year Nonpublic Course Data Collection Fact Sheet and FAQ
- 2024-25 School Year Nonpublic Course Data Collection Template
- 2024-25 School Year OSSE Dual Enrollment Consortium Crosswalk
- 2024-25 School Year OSSE CTE Crosswalk
- SY24-25 Student and Section Course Data Collection Data Appeal