Career Pathways DC is a list of programs that District residents can use to access training and education programs. The description for each resource below starts with a question to help DC residents self-select the program that will meet their current need.
Are you ready for college and a meaningful career?
Use this tool to find colleges, job training programs, and financial aid resources that best fit your needs.
Experience it for yourself - Attain DC
Are you ready to get back-on-track toward earning a high school credential or pursue additional career training opportunities? Back on Track DC is a one-stop resource for District residents of all ages who want to get back on track with their plans to pursue a secondary education credential and a career pathway.
Find out more - Back On Track DC
Are you an adult District resident who is looking for job training, education, or other opportunities in DC? The DC Career Pathways Provider Directory provides an overview of these services across the District. For District providers, it can support high-quality referrals and partnership development, and for District employers it offers an overview of workforce and support services in the region.
Find out more - DC Career Pathways Provider Directory
Are you interested in training programs, colleges, or institutions to start your career?
This tool provides a searchable list of programs and courses offered in the District of Columbia by trade schools, colleges and universities that are licensed to operate by the DC Higher Education Licensure Commission.
Find out more – HELC Active Institutions
Are you looking for a DC-specific jobs?
Career Coach DC is a website designed to help users find and connect to a career pathway by providing the most current local data on wages, employment, job postings, and related education and training.
Experience it for yourself - Career Coach DC
Are you a high school student comparing college options? My College Fact Finder can be used to get information (cost, acceptance rates, and graduation rates) about colleges that DC public and public charter schools have attended, to have a better understanding of how students fared at colleges and universities throughout the United States. Public and public charter high school students and counselors can create a free account to access this tool.
Go to – My College Fact Finder
Are you looking to explore careers and identify the best one for you? Virtual Job Shadow empowers individuals to discover, plan, and pursue their dreams with unique video-based career information. This interactive tool helps students and job seekers develop career paths based on choice, not chance.
Experience it for yourself - Virtual Job Shadow DC