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OSSE Mathemathics Webpage

The Division of Teaching and Learning’s (TAL) Professional Development Team works to deliver responsive systems of professional learning and high-quality technical support to District LEAs and schools. The team supports a wide range of topics and interventions through professional development, direct LEA/school-based support, the facilitation of communities of practice, and through city-wide convenings.

Choose an icon below to find information about your area of interest:

OSSE Mathematics_Standards & ImpementationOSSE Mathematics_AssessmentOSSE Mathematics_Instructional MaterialsOSSE Mathematics_Distance Learning for EducatorsOSSE Mathematics_PD on Demand

Standards & Implementation

  • Common Core State Standards for Mathematics
  • Mathematics Focus by Grade Level shows where students and teachers should spend the large majority of their time in order to meet the expectations of the Standards.
  • Coherence Map is an interactive map that shows connections between Common Core Standards for Mathematics.
  • Early Childhood Math by Young Mathematicians is a website with a collection of counting, number recognition, number sense, patterns, shapes and number path games for learners 3-6 years old. Games include directions, video examples, formative assessment tips and literature connections.
  • Guide for Selecting Math Instructional Materials (video) is an overview to support education thought leaders in how to use the What Works Clearinghouse database as a resource when selecting math instructional materials.
  • Activities with Rigor & Coherence is a series of lessons compiled by National Council of Teachers of Mathematics that addresses a mathematical topic and demonstrates the vision of Principles to Actions: Ensuring Mathematical Success for All.


Instructional Materials

Distance Learning for Educators

PD On Demand