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Office of the State Superintendent of Education

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Guiding Principles for Continuous Education

OSSE Guiding Principles for Continuous Education

Since the 2019-20 school year, the Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE) has provided and updated guidance and supports to local education agencies (LEAs) due to the unprecedented circumstances initiated by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

OSSE updated its Guiding Principles for the 2022-23 school year, replacing the “Safe Reopening” priority with “Situational Preparedness.” To reflect how the effects of the pandemic will linger in District schools for many years, the “Student and Staff Well-Being” and “Accelerated Learning” priorities remain with updated language and resources.

The priorities are intended to help LEAs develop effective and equitable continuous education plans (CEPs) that provide support for all students and are developed in partnership with families. They should also support families in understanding what they can expect for their students and the two-way communication that schools should establish with them. The Guiding Principles acknowledge certain legal obligations and extend well beyond, offering a target for excellence and equity rather than a floor for compliance.

The current 2022-2023 school year Guiding Principles for Continuous Education and Continuous Education Plan (CEP) Questions are found below.

While the 2022-23 Guiding Principles remain for the 2023-24 school year, LEAs are only expected to update their CEPs if they receive Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief-American Rescue Plan Act (ESSER III-ARP) funds. More information on 2023-24 school year CEPs can be found below.

2023-2024 Continuous Education Plans

For historical documentation, archived LEA CEPs and CEP questions, guiding principles and other related materials follow.

2022-2023 Guiding Principles for Continuous Education

2021-2022 Guiding Principles for Continuous Education

2020-2021 LEA Continuous Education Plans