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Office of the State Superintendent of Education

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LEA ESSER Dashboard

LEA ESSER Dashboard

The dashboard below depicts the 90 percent of ESSER funds granted by OSSE to local education agencies (i.e., public school systems) via formula grants. To support local education agencies (LEAs) in addressing the wide variety of needs that have resulted from COVID-19, the federal government gave LEAs broad flexibility in how the funding could be used. Use the menu below to see a specific LEA's data by selecting an LEA.Click here for a downloadable spreadsheet of the latest data as well as descriptions of types of expenses within each funding category. The expenditure data in this dashboard and spreadsheet is updated quarterly and based on reimbursement requests submitted by LEAs to OSSE.

All LEAs can continue to submit reimbursements on their ESSER funds until December 2, 2024; Additionally, LEAs which apply for and are approved for liquidation extension by the U.S. Department of Education can continue to submit reimbursements through Dec 2, 2025. As such, this dashboard does not yet reflect full spend down of ESSER funds and will continue to be updated.

(Please note that all numbers are rounded. As a result, some totals may not correspond with the sum of the parts.)

Grant end: 09/30/22
Grant end: 09/30/23
Grant end: 09/30/24