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Office of the State Superintendent of Education

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2021 OSSE Annual Report: Share and Use Actionable Data

Launching an Updated DC School Report Card
For five years the DC School Report Card has served families with a common set of facts to better understand how schools serve students. Before launching in 2018, OSSE spent years seeking and incorporating community feedback into the development of the family-friendly site and that feedback continued to play an important role when OSSE updated the site in 2021. OSSE’s Division of Data, Assessment and Research (DAR) and the Office of the Chief Information Officer (CIO) joined forces to develop a new site to fulfill the community’s needs. The updated site, launched in December 2021, looks familiar to those who engaged with the previous site and includes exciting new features that reflect stakeholder feedback.

Providing Comprehensive and Accessible DC Educator Data
Collecting and sharing meaningful educator data helps build a common understanding of educator mobility in DC, while also supporting efforts to retain the District’s most effective teachers and principals. Acting on feedback and public engagement that began during the development of the DC School Report Card several years ago, OSSE has continued to expand collection and access to high-quality, comparable educator data. Launched in the fall of 2021, the DC Educator Talent and Equity Dashboard provides every LEA in DC access to an interactive dashboard with insights on teacher demand, teacher retention, teacher equity and comprehensive workforce data. LEAs may also use these data to develop strategic staffing policies and practices to attract and retain the teachers they need. In addition, we continued to expand the data that we collect and report publicly, including a new teacher retention data one-pager and new teacher demographic data on the DC School Report Card.