Explore data related to per-pupil expenditures
This page displays the details of per-pupil expenditures for local education agencies (LEAs) which have more than one school site per-pupil expenditures. These data include funding sources and comparisons of LEA and DC expenditures. This information enables you to view the types of expenditures, where the funds are from, and how it compares to others.
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2021 Per-pupil Expenditures
Per-pupil expenditures represent the average amount of money spent on educating each student. In other words, this value represents the total amount of actual school expenditures divided by the number of students in the school.
2021 Total Expenditures
This section displays expenditures for DC overall and local education agencies which have more than one school site. To view school-level information, including single-school LEAs, review the School Snapshots.
Per-pupil expenditure amount is calculated by dividing the total school expenditures by the October enrollment audit count of public school students.
Excluded expenditures include: debt service, capital expenditures, construction and capital improvements, community service operations, and expenditures sourced from private funds (such as parent fees and corporate or charitable donations.) These are not included in the per-pupil expenditure calculation because they are considered outside of the day-to-day operation of the school.
Total expenditures the sum of total school and excluded expenditures is the total amount of money the LEA spent for the fiscal year.
Per-pupil Expenditures by Funding Source
Details are provided about the funding sources for per-pupil expenditures for DC overall and local education agencies which have more than one school site. State/local sources represent revenue received directly from DC, including local grants and per-pupil funding. Federal sources include federal revenue, such as Title I funds and IDEA funding. Per-pupil expenditures are displayed compared to the LEA and DC average.
Per-pupil Expenditure by Type
Details are provided about the distribution of expenditures between school-level and centralized. School-level expenditures include spending on teacher and administrative salaries, books, supplies, and business costs. Centralized expenditures include the portion of spending at the LEA's central office that are allocated to the school. (Note: LEAs with only one school site do not report separate centralized expenditures)