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Start of School | Standards Implementation – Financial Literacy, SEL, Social Studies

Priority Overview

OSSE has developed new Financial Literacy and Social & Emotional Learning (SEL) standards and has revised the Social Studies standards. All Local Education Agencies will implement these new standards across the District in the 2024-25 school year.

For questions, please contact:

Celina Ketelsen at [email protected] (Social Studies & Financial Literacy)  
Caroline Decaire-Goldin at [email protected] (SEL)  

Top Things to Know
  • Financial Literacy Standards guide a standalone, elective course for high school students across the District. The standards include important financial knowledge and skills, including how individual financial circumstances are influenced by personal decisions and systemic factors. These standards are recommended for the 2024-24 school year.  

  • The key shifts in the newly revised Social Studies Standards focus on the development of historical thinking and analysis, inclusion of civic reasoning as a key skill, and a reduction in a number of standards, with an increase in the rigor of standards. These standards are required to begin implementing during the 2024-25 school year. 

  • The Social & Emotional Learning standards are designed to improve school climate and student well-being. LEAs are expected to begin implementing these standards during the 2024-25 school year 

  • OSSE has launched a Districtwide SEL Advisory Committee to inform, share insights, and provide feedback around SEL initiatives and will be launching a District-wide educator Community of Practice (CoP) to facilitate collaboration among LEAs in sharing implementation strategies, systems, and practices. OSSE will provide LEAs with in-person and virtual professional development opportunities for educators and school leaders on SEL and implementation. 

  • In the spring of 2025, OSSE will be administering DC's first District-wide school climate survey to gather and leverage data to ensure a cycle of continuous improvement in school climate across all DC public schools.

Key Dates & Deadlines
  • Communities of Practice (coming soon)