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Office of the State Superintendent of Education

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Strategic Plan Priority 3: Achieve Equitable Outcomes for All Students

Allocate resources to ensure all students have access to a high-quality education every day in order to remedy historical inequities in student experience and outcomes. 

Strategic Initiatives:  

  • Prioritize School Improvement: OSSE designs and implements a comprehensive strategy for how it will leverage its authority as an SEA to address, support, and hold accountable schools 1) whose overall academic performance places them in the bottom 5% of all schools and 2) where disparities in student outcomes exists across subgroup so those students gain access to high-quality instruction and improved learning environments. 
  • Extend Learning Opportunities for Students with the Highest Needs: OSSE builds school and partner capacity to accelerate learning for our highest need students through extended learning opportunities such as high-impact tutoring and summer accelerator programs. 
  • Set Clear Expectations for Serving Students with Disabilities: OSSE reexamines special education policy, guidance, and trainings to set clear expectations and support effective implementation by schools and LEAs for identifying, transporting and educating students with disabilities. 
  • Hold LEAs Accountable to Serving Students with Disabilities: OSSE implements the Special Education Performance Report, a new results-based accountability system, that evaluates LEA’s special education performance and identifies what interventions and technical assistance LEAs need to better serve their students with disabilities. 
  • Focus Grant Funding on Needs and Results: OSSE strengthens and simplifies its approach for distributing, administering, and monitoring grant funding to be more coherent and results-oriented so that schools apply for and gain funding for resources that will address their unique needs as they seek to continuously improve on behalf of their students. 

Key Results – How we’ll measure progress 

  • Improvement for the Schools with the Greatest Need 
  • Improvement for the Student Groups with the Greatest Need 

Priority Lead: Nikki Stewart, Assistant Superintendent of Systems and Support, K12 

>> Click here to see how federal recovery dollars are being used to support the Achieve Equitable Outcomes for All Students priority