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Office of the State Superintendent of Education

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OSSE School Year Grant Forecast

The OSSE School Year Grant Forecast is for informational purposes only.

OSSE is releasing a forecast of certain grant information for the upcoming 2023-24 school year. At this time we are sharing information about formula, competitive and continuation grants for which we have general information about funding and application timeline. We will update this list in the future with additional grant opportunities, as this information becomes available. Please note that the grants list below is not a full and complete list of grants that will be released by OSSE in the upcoming year.

Formula, Competitive and Continuation Grants

Projected grants information, including eligibility requirements, is not comprehensive and is provided for planning purposes only. Further information, including Notices of Funding Availability and Requests for Applications, will be available in the DC Register, LEA Look Forward, DC Office of Partnerships and Grant Services, and on the OSSE website. Unless specifically noted below, LEAs serving adult students must offer a high school diploma to be eligible for any of the listed grants.

2024 Grant Forecast Button 2023 Grant Forecast Button 

The information in this chart is subject to change. Grant releases and awards are subject to funding availability.

If you have any questions about the information provided below, please email [email protected]. For the OSSE organizational chart and key points of contact, please visit