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Office of the State Superintendent of Education

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Adult College and Credentials Initiative (ACC)

Upcoming Event(s)

Are you age 18 or older and interested in going to college or earning a postsecondary credential? Did you start college but were unable to finish? Do you want to earn a training certification but don’t know where to start?

If that’s you, join us for the Office of the State Superintendent of Education’s (OSSE’s) 2025 Adult College and Credentials Fair.

Saturday, April 12, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Location: Martin Luther King Jr Memorial Public Library (901 G St. NW)
Register here today!

Join us at the fair for:

  • Explore College & Credential Options: Learn about degree programs, certifications, and apprenticeships from local colleges, universities, and training centers.
  • Connect with Admissions & Financial Aid Experts: Get personalized advice and resources on applications, scholarships, and student loan management.
  • Discover Career Pathways: Find out how different educational programs can lead to new careers, promotions, or skill advancements.
  • Access Resources for Non-Traditional Students: Learn more about flexible schedules, online courses, adult-friendly environments, and support services. Sessions created to help residents learn how to return to college or enroll in college for the first time.

It's your time for a fair shot at:


The Adult College and Credentials Initiative

The Office of the State Superintendent of Education’s (OSSE's) Adult College and Credentials (ACC) Initiative seeks to encourage adult learners (either first-time or returning) to earn a degree or other postsecondary credentials.

Adult learners often face various challenges that keep them from completing their postsecondary goals. In January 2014, OSSE convened a working group comprised of 10 adult-friendly community and postsecondary partners aimed at providing stronger institutionalized and community-based support for adult learners. The working group designed a Fistrict-wide campaign to educate adult learners about the available paths for college completion.

The ACC Initiative helps promote a collaborative approach to increasing adult college completion and brings the student-centered perspective to the forefront of college completion work.

Sector by Sector Projections for Private Sector Job Growth, 2022-2023

Industry Total Jobs 2022 Total Jobs 2032 Average Annual Openings Growth Rate
Hospitality, Retail, Tourism, and Entertainment 92,950 111,636 18,981 20%
Education 45,480 53,234 5,933 17%
Information Technology 51,892 60,496 4,854 17%
Healthcare 44,697 49,755 4,344 11%
Transportation, Infrastructure and Utilities 12,589 13,751 1,644 9%
Construction 28,625 31,226 2,932 9%
Business and Office Administration 315,485 339,309 32,669 8%
Security and Law Enrorcement 67,137 71,828 5,926 7%
Grand Total 658,854 731,235 77,283 12%

2025 ACC Working Group Members:

  • DC Department of Insurance, Securities and Banking
  • DC ReEngagement Center
  • College Board / Educational Opportunity Center (EOC / TRiO Program)
  • OSSE Division of Early Learning (DEL)
  • OSSE Office of College and Career Readiness
  • Reach 4 Success – College Information Center

Adult-friendly Colleges and Universities

Your gateway to college is the admissions office. The links below will take you to admissions websites for the major colleges and universities that are featured at OSSE’s Annual Adult College and Credentials Fair. Please note that these are postsecondary institutions in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area that serve adult learners:


Adult-friendly Charter Schools and Community- Based Organizations

Many community organizations within the District offer certificate training programs, college counseling, adult education programs and financial aid and scholarship opportunities for adult learners. The community-based organizations listed below have been featured at the Adult College and Credentials Fair in previous years. Please visit their websites for more information on programs and services.

Government Agencies

Revisiting the Dream

Have you gone as far in your career as you can without a college degree? Or is your dream to transition to a career that requires postsecondary education? Whether it's job-related or for personal development, obtaining a credential or graduating from college opens a new world of potential for your life.

Follow These Steps to Ease the Transition to College:


It is important to understand your options regarding financial aid to pay for college. Financial aid applications can be complex and adult resources are limited. Start now.

Federal options

  • To explore federal financial aid opportunities, complete and submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form. The FAFSA application opens on Oct. 1 of each year and students should submit by March 1. Your school’s deadline may be earlier, so be sure to ask. Visit to access the FAFSA application.

District Options

Institutional options

  • Contact the financial aid office at your prospective school and request a full list of scholarships available. Talk to a financial aid counselor about how to find scholarships, fellowships, grants and other sources of free aid. The less you have to pay out of pocket and borrow, the better off you’ll be.
  • Also, check with your academic advisors, as sometimes an academic college or department will offer scholarships.

Employers and organizational options

  • Many employers and organizations offer tuition assistance and reimbursement; check with your human resources department.


Make an appointment with an admissions officer to review enrollment information.

Complete the application process

  • Be sure to mark application dates and deadlines on your calendar so you won’t miss them. Submit your admissions application and any separate department or program applications as early as possible, and well before any deadlines.
  • If you have earned college credits from previous institutions, you will need to request your official transcripts from the office of the registrar of each college you have attended. The transcript must be mailed directly from the college you attended to the college you are applying to.
  • Once you have been accepted, be sure to register for classes as soon as possible. Attend orientations and explore campus and community organizations. The more involved you become the more likely you are to succeed.


  • Many schools have special offices or advisors for adult students. These professionals can tell you what programs and services are specifically available, such as day care, career counseling and financial aid.


Work with academic advisors to design a class schedule that works for you.

  • Whichever schedule option you choose, be sure to follow your degree plan.
  • Generally, you should allow six hours of study per week for each three-credit-hour course.

It’s never too late to #BeAFinisher!

Service Contact: 
Greg Palmer
Contact Email: 
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Contact Suite #: 
Fifth Floor
Service Location: 

1050 First Street, NE

GIS Address: 
1050 First Street, NE