Wednesday, May 18, 2016
View the May 18-24, 2016 LEA Look Forward.
In this issue...
- Submit Your Transportation Request Forms for ESY 2016 ASAP
- The 2016-17 SY Student Transportation Certification Deadline is June 6, 2016
- DC Healthy Schools Act Evaluation - School Staff Online Survey
- Student-led IEP Training and Professional Learning Community
- OSSE's May 2016 LEA Data Discussion Meeting
- SLED New User Training
- A Discussion on Teacher Equity and the DC Plan Implementation
- 2016 PARCC Reporting Timeline
- PARCC 2015 Additional Instructional Tools and Score Reports Workshops
- Action Required - Student Demographic and Enrollment Verification
- Join OSSE's Emergency Behavior Intervention Focus Group
- Mayor's Scholars Application is Now Open for the 2016-17 School Year
- Update: DC FY15 Scholarships for Opportunity and Results (SOAR) Act Funds for Charter Schools (reminder)
- Elementary STEM Opportunity (reminder)
- OSSE’s Spring 2016 Professional Development Needs Assessment (reminder)
- Environmental Literacy Leadership for Principals (reminder)
- 2016-17 DC Physical Activity for Youth Grant (reminder)
- Notice of Intent to Apply for a Waiver of a Title I Section 1003(g) SIG Requirement (reminder)
- Help Spread the Word - Application Open for Student Representatives and Student Advisory Committee with the DC State Board of Education