Wednesday, August 31, 2016
View the LEA Look Forward for Aug. 31-Sept. 6, 2016.
In this issue...
- 2016 PARCC and MSAA Results Released
- Reminder: Please Submit Forms and Points of Contact for the Undesignated Epinephrine Auto-Injector Program
- Updates to the LEA Contacts List
- SLED Webinar: Navigating PARCC Results in SLED
- 2016-17 Child Count, Enrollment Audit Data, and LEP Sample Audit Deep Dive Webinars
- Alternate Assessment Eligibility Training
- Fall Professional Development Calendar
- Fall 2016 SEDS Trainings for LEA Special Education POCs and Nonpublic SEDS POCs
- Celebrate Growing Healthy Schools Month
- Middle School Needs Assessment for College and Career Readiness
- Register for the Public Charter Schools Direct Loan and Credit Enhancement Funding Programs Webinar
- Save the Date: Strategies to Teach Academic Language to English Learners
- The United States Senate Youth Program Application Opportunity
- ESSA Engagement Update: Surveys and Upcoming Focus Groups (reminder)
- SLED Training (reminder)
- OSSE Workforce Training and Career and Technical Education Data Collection (reminder)
- Math TA Needs Assessment (reminder)
- Dates to Remember